Are Your "Quickbooks" A Mess? How A Certified Public Accountant Can Help

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tax filing for online sales

Do you do any selling online? Did you know that selling things online can count as a business and that you could be losing money if you don't prepare your taxes just right? Online sales have helped my family get through a very difficult year. Then, when I found out what I was going to have to pay in taxes for the income that I earned through those online sales, I about had a heart attack. After doing some digging, I decided to skip filing my taxes myself and took them to a professional for help. Find out what an accountant uncovered for me and how it helped put my money back in my pocket.


Are Your "Quickbooks" A Mess? How A Certified Public Accountant Can Help

21 March 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Running your own business can be a very exciting but complicated adventure. Some of the complications you might experience are the result of accounting software and missed entries or mistyped entries. Even when you have a product like Quickbooks, you can still throw the whole of a single accounting book off with one or two mistakes. It may be very helpful to hire a certified public accountant to work with you all year long. Here is how the accountant can help keep your books and accounting software tidy.

Weekly or Daily Entries

An accountant can make your weekly or daily entries for you. During your busiest times, you may want the accountant to drop in daily so that any issues with your books are caught sooner and do not create a catastrophic, avalanche effect with your finances. When things slow down and you can make some or most of the entries on your own, then you may find that a weekly visit with your accountant is adequate for catching errors.

Custom Invoices--Construction and Execution

Some accounting software does a fairly good job of helping you create and print invoices, but if you have some unique business needs where invoices are concerned, then these sections in the software programs are not very helpful. Also, you may want to make sure that your invoices are legally correct (i.e., if you had to present them in court, they would support your case for payment on services or goods provided to the customer). An accountant can create and execute custom invoices that are legally sound and completely functional for your business and your needs.

Pursuing Accounts Billable and Receivable by Phone

When there is a missing entry or a question about accounts billable or accounts receivable, your accountant can place phone calls to track down the money. Not only does he or she find your accounting errors, but then verifies them for you before making sure those entries are placed in their correct accounts in your computer. You may even find that the accountant has successfully extracted monies due from customers, making your profits for the day, week or month much better than anticipated, something which can be clearly seen in the books that your accountant has corrected.

Catching Improperly Downloaded Entries

While the convenience of online software includes the ability to download entries directly into the software itself, the entries might make it into the wrong books if you click on the wrong type of entry or label. Improperly downloaded entries can be quite expensive, especially if you do not catch them or catch them right away. This is where your accountant can check the links to the downloaded entries and find out why they downloaded the way that they did. Then he or she can move those entries into the correct book or download the entry again and place it into the correct book.

For a certified public accountant, contact a business such as Carmines Robbins & Company PLC.