tax filing for online sales

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tax filing for online sales

Do you do any selling online? Did you know that selling things online can count as a business and that you could be losing money if you don't prepare your taxes just right? Online sales have helped my family get through a very difficult year. Then, when I found out what I was going to have to pay in taxes for the income that I earned through those online sales, I about had a heart attack. After doing some digging, I decided to skip filing my taxes myself and took them to a professional for help. Find out what an accountant uncovered for me and how it helped put my money back in my pocket.


There Are Goldmines Of Data Hidden In Your Payroll

6 October 2016
 Categories: , Blog

You might think of payroll as a basic necessity to your business—you take care of the totals and move on. But there is actually a lot of information within your payroll data that could be applied to running a better business. Here are some takeaways from your payroll.  Attendance You may need to study attendance patterns throughout the work year. There are key signs that point to dissatisfaction, such as lots of time taken off at the end of the year. Read More …

Year-Round Finance Tips For New Restaurant Owners

2 September 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Your new restaurant might be a dream of yours that is just starting to come true, but the tax season can be a nightmare if you aren't vigilant all year round. Consider these year-round tax finance suggestions so that when it's finally tax time, you can deal with it more easily. Have Separate Accounts At the end of the tax year, you will have to report the income for your restaurant, and you will also have to account for supplies, equipment, repairs, and other expenditures you had during the year. Read More …

5 Not Obvious Ways To Increase Your Tax Refund

15 July 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If you felt like you paid too much in taxes or just a refund that was too small last year, this year take a closer look at your taxes. Here are five ways that many people overlook that could easily increase the tax refund that your receive this year in a legal manner that is written into the tax code. #1 Filing Statuses If you are married, you need to look carefully at what filing status that you and your spouse used when you both filed your last set of taxes. Read More …

Important Reasons Your Small Business Needs Experienced Accounting Services

22 May 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Although your business may be small, your need for financial management is as important as it is for larger companies. In order to grow your business, you need to know where your profits are going and why they are going there. When you have an experienced accountant working with you, you can rest assured your profits are being managed in a way that will benefit your small business growth. Looking At Financial Data Management Read More …

3 Tax Preparation Tips To Make Filing Your Taxes Easy

9 May 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Virtually no one enjoys doing their taxes. This is especially true for anyone who thinks they may owe money for the past tax year. That said, filing your taxes is an annual tradition and legal requirement that every American must comply with. If you are dreading tax time, you may be able to alleviate your feelings of stress if you go into the process already fully prepared for what you will need. Read More …