tax filing for online sales

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tax filing for online sales

Do you do any selling online? Did you know that selling things online can count as a business and that you could be losing money if you don't prepare your taxes just right? Online sales have helped my family get through a very difficult year. Then, when I found out what I was going to have to pay in taxes for the income that I earned through those online sales, I about had a heart attack. After doing some digging, I decided to skip filing my taxes myself and took them to a professional for help. Find out what an accountant uncovered for me and how it helped put my money back in my pocket.


3 Tax Preparation Tips To Make Filing Your Taxes Easy

9 May 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Virtually no one enjoys doing their taxes. This is especially true for anyone who thinks they may owe money for the past tax year. That said, filing your taxes is an annual tradition and legal requirement that every American must comply with. If you are dreading tax time, you may be able to alleviate your feelings of stress if you go into the process already fully prepared for what you will need. Read More …

4 Key Bookkeeping Tips To Keep In Mind If You Are Just Starting A Freelance Writing Career

30 April 2016
 Categories: , Blog

The internet gives one many opportunities to make money as a freelance writer. You can work for content mills, private clients or run your own blog. If you are just starting out as a freelance writer, it is important that you keep track of your expenses and income so when tax times rolls around, you are prepared. Here are four tips designed with for a new freelance writer.  Open Up A Business Bank Account Read More …

Four Steps To Take When You’re Late On Your Tax Return

22 April 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Sometimes it may just not be possible to finish your tax return on time. Whether you're still missing documents or the deadline just evaded you, you need to take action fast. Here are the four steps that you should take immediately after missing your filing date.  1. Get Your Documents Together In addition to your prior year tax return, you should collect all of your bank statements and tax documents. Compare all of the forms you have to your last year of paperwork to make sure you have everything that you should. Read More …

3 Reasons To Hire A CPA For Your Small Business

30 March 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If you're a small business owner, then you may know the challenges that accompany this status. Working to ensure the success of your company is certain to be a full-time job. However, you will need to keep track of the day-to-day financial transactions of any business. One way to help you do so is by enlisting the aid of a certified public accountant, or CPA. By knowing some of the reasons to hire this professional, you may be may be more motivated to do so. Read More …

Are Your “Quickbooks” A Mess? How A Certified Public Accountant Can Help

21 March 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Running your own business can be a very exciting but complicated adventure. Some of the complications you might experience are the result of accounting software and missed entries or mistyped entries. Even when you have a product like Quickbooks, you can still throw the whole of a single accounting book off with one or two mistakes. It may be very helpful to hire a certified public accountant to work with you all year long. Read More …